Wednesday’s for your health!



Charlie Rose

Hi guys, I’ve been wanting to share my battle with acne with you for quite some time! And honestly, I’ve tried every trick in the book. You can read more about my journey in my page ‘My Journey’. But the things that have truly truly worked the best for me and transformed my skin in just 3 MONTHS, can be found best summed up in Lauren Conrad’s article about these nutrient dense foods! That’s right. Food! I’ve tried everything from Tea Tree Oil, Accutane, Anti-biotics, Black Soap, Whitch Hazel, this facial toner, that benzoyl peroxide. NONE of it would get rid of my cystic acne! I still break out…and you know why? When I eat junk food…it shows in the next few weeks or less. As frustrating as it is to limit yourself, it’s liberating to enrich yourself! So stop sneaking all that ‘white’ food into your diet. It’s disgusting, and it will show up in zit form. We all covet different beauty traits of course! But clear skin can truly help you put your best *face* forward, and help you gain the confidence you might be lacking. If you’ve been struggling with acne or cystic acne, read about the foods below and re-evaluate your grocery list! I can’t get enough Kale and Spinach (juiced in my Vitamix)

Acne Fighting Foods


  1. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids. This includes salmon, flax seeds, and walnuts. Foods with omega-3 fatty acids have been known to give skin an almost instant glow. These foods can also help reduce inflammation, so any blemishes you do have won’t be quite so red. I love making grilled salmon for dinner. Adding flaxseed to a fresh fruit smoothie is another simple way to boost your omega-3s.
  2. Antioxidant filled foods. It’s no surprise that antioxidant foods are great for your health, but they also give your skin an extra dose of goodness too. Antioxidant rich foods like cherries, berries, green tea and spinach attack free radicals in your body that cause skin damage and breakouts. Eating a handful of berries or a is a yummy way to add antioxidants into your daily food routine.
  3. Foods rich in selenium. Brazil nuts, almonds, onion, garlic, and whole grains are all sources of selenium, which is also a powerful antioxidant. These foods help preserve your skin’s elasticity and reduce inflammation. Just eating a handful of almonds a day is an easy way to up your selenium intake.
  4. Foods rich in vitamin C. Melons, oranges, tomatoes, and strawberries all boost your immune system and strengthen your cell walls. These foods will help protect your skin from acne scarring and activate healing powers to amend damaged or irritated skin.
  5. Foods rich in vitamin E. This category includes nuts, soybeans, almonds, leafy greens and eggs. Vitamin E rich foods also help protect your skin from scarring. An easy way to get your daily dose is by drizzling olive oil on a salad or using it to cook. (I always use it on my pan when cooking my Tone it Up Slim Down Scramble in the morning.)
  6. Foods in high water content. This means…drink water, water and more water! Keeping your body hydrated is one of the best things you can do for yourself. And this healthy habit translates to your skin too. In addition to drinking your 8 glasses a day (a daily requirement in my book!), eating foods with high water content like watermelon and cucumbers, and also parsley will free your system of toxins as well.
  7. Foods rich in vitamin A. Foods that give your body vitamin A are rich in beta-carotene, which enhances the benefits of selenium–that powerful antioxidant I mentioned earlier. Your skin will thank you if you include carrots, bell peppers, cantaloupes, and sweet potatoes into your daily diet.
  8. Foods high in magnesium. These foods are awesome acne fighters because magnesium helps to balance out acne-inducing hormones. Try munching on artichokes, oatmeal, brown rice, and figs to get hormonal acne under control. I’ll have to find a recipe for y’all for this one!
  9. Low sodium foods. Foods that are packed with salt not only make your body bloat up like a balloon, they also wreak havoc on your skin. To avoid pimples from flaring up, try to limit the amount of processed or prepared foods in your diet. Substituting canned or frozen vegetables with fresh ones can make a huge difference. You will also feel so much better if you eat “clean foods” that are unprocessed and have low sodium. I’m going to do a post on simple salads in a few weeks-stay tuned!
  10. White foods are the wrong foods. Foods like white bread, white rice, white refined flour, French fries, and mashed potatoes are some of the worst things to have in your diet if you want clear skin. Refined sugar is another culprit in this category because it makes your blood sugar levels spike, which then causes acne outbreaks. No thank you! Stick to whole grains and brightly colored fruits and veggies like these no-bloat foods. If anything else, just remember this: White foods are not the right foods if you want clear skin.

I’m not sure when it finally clicked for me…maybe I just needed to read this! My best friend has been telling me for years that her psoriasis clears up when she’s following an alkaline diet. But please do more research if you like, and make a new grocery list! Start introducing these foods, and turn down the daily donut. We are what we eat is very true! You will feel beautiful all over when you have clear skin on your side =)

Which acne fighting food is your favorite? Personally, I’m partial to spinach, eggs and berries.

If you have a Wednesdays For Your Health request, leave it in the comments below.

XO Ariana Michelle

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