Your BEST Bikini Series Yet!

It’s finally here, the most motivating time of the year-the Bikini Series! Read below for my top 5 tips for making the next 8 weeks COUNT! I started to implement these just 2 months ago and below are my results! I’ve stayed the same exact weight, but seen enormous changes in my body. I plan to continue on with you to make this summer one of unforgettable adventures and confidence! I’ve already seen some amazing energy from this community and you inspire me to get my butt moving every day-so thanks!

Bikini Series 2016 Before

#1 Don’t QUIT! Do something EVERY DAY (with an active rest day)  Here’s one of my favorite words- DISCIPLINE. It takes 21-30 days to see changes in ourselves, and can sometimes take longer if you’re half-assing it. Cut that crap out-you are waiting your time! You won’t change anything by keeping it in your comfort zone. During EACH of your workouts, I want you to focus on your form, your power, and your strength. (Keep your butt down during planks, do those pushups on your knees if you can’t fully extend your arms, keep your back flat not rounded during deadlifts!) Don’t save your energy for later in the workout. I promise you will still have some power left and then you’ll be wondering ‘why didn’t I push myself harder?!’ If you feel pain-STOP, if you are burning- KEEP GOING! If you are BRAND new to working out, your goal is going to be finishing your workout while pacing yourself. Need to take breaks? Need to miss some reps? That’s a part of starting out-take those breaks! Just keep going and promise me you will try your best to get to the end. Yes, you will be sore for the first few weeks, but when you push PAST this point there is some magic that happens and you will feel AMAZING! Don’t quit on me, I’m right here with you!

#2 Do NOT spend hours on Instagram looking at other girls bodies-its not yours! This is beyond emotionally damaging and also degrading to yourself. You do not deserve to view yourself as anything but beautiful, and if you’re unhappy then only YOU can make a change. Don’t compare your life or circumstances. If you find yourself in this pattern, put the phone down and go for a walk (even if it’s just around the office or the block).

#3 Don’t try to do everything at once- meal prepping can be extremely overwhelming. If you’re following the 8 week plan, I suggest trying out 1 or 2 recipes for lunch and dinner PER WEEK. Don’t buy all the ingredients or you will let them go to waste (your $$ too). I promise you will not be in the mood for something one day. Instead, keep the standards at hand so you can whip up some quick chicken or turkey and broccoli at night- there’s NOTHING wrong with routine or repetition. Don’t allow yourself to get overwhelmed. Personally I prep my proteins and veggies at the beginning of the week and store them in containers that are easy to reach. Some days I want apples or bananas, and some days I want tacos-just being honest. I will be trying my best to avoid processed food for the next 6 weeks (until my wedding!) but I allow myself wiggle room since I need to reach 1800 calories per day and my days are very active. Don’t make it a habit, but don’t beat yourself up!

#4 It’s going to take hard work-I don’t have to remind you we are all created differently but this fact holds true for any woman-changing your body is HARD! There’s a reason studios and fitness corporations have been coming out with more challenging and even grueling workouts over the past 5 years. For numerous reasons (American’s have horrible diets) and we are extremely sedentary, it takes some extra umph to get rid of those stubborn lbs. When you feel discouraged remember you are doing this to be the healthiest you, and yes passing on that night out of drinking will bring you closer to your goals-celebrate with a like-minded girlfriend.

#5 WATER! Eating 6 meals a day requires you to be hydrated (plus those workouts) wow, that’s a lot to digest! My current goal is 100 oz (that’s about 6-7 of my 16oz plastic cups). Buy a new water bottle or a cup to stay motivated to drink. I keep track by writing on the top with a dry-erase marker-water works right? I can’t stress this last point enough. It will do wonders for your skin, and the rest of your body! Drink up ladies. 

Happy Bikini Series!

xoxo, Ari



Lorna Jane WAREHOUSE sale!!!!

If you haven’t caught on by now, I absolutely love Lorna Jane. Her mission statement has created positivity around the world and her fitness apparel has made working out something I truly look forward to! If I’m teaching class, I’m most likely wearing an LJ crop top. I just can’t get over the unique styles and colors. This is one brand I truly believe in supporting quality over quantity. The pieces I own will last me years (if treated right, no dryers please!).

Please join me for a Warehouse Sale on Oak Lawn at THE SPACE! April 28th through May 1st from 8am to 7pm! There are tons of free workouts going on. Although I won’t be teaching this time around, I’m stoked Check it out below!

Head over to the Facebook event page for the Warehouse Sale –  Please click on the link which will allow you to RSVP to keep updated with the event. Invite your friends, family and other members of our Dallas fitness community. During the sale LJ will also have a fantastic line up of amazing instructors who will be hosting FREE workout classes- RSVP through the Eventbrite page –

Can’t wait to see you there Dallas babes.



Celebrate Active Nation Day with Dallas Grit Fitness!


Every year, Lorna Jane celebrates Active Nation Day in September, by encouraging girls to get outside and move! There are local events literally all over the world for you to get involved in. Find an event on your local Lorna Jane Facebook page, or just visit the Active Nation Day website! There are no shortage of good things happening.

Come celebrate this day at Northpark Mall, with Dallas Grit Fitness! For Grit Mashup! OMG you are going to get an amazing workout….Body Sculpt, Turbo Kick and Dance Club Cardio, you don’t want to miss this class with our energetic instructors, Annabel, Emily, and Brittani! Can’t wait to see you there.

What is Active Nation Day?

Active Nation Day is a movement created in 2012 by Lorna Jane to inspire women, their families, communities, cities and the world to live a more Active Life!

Worldwide obesity has more than doubled since 1980, with 39% of the adult population now overweight and 1.9 billion of the world’s population not getting sufficient exercise. It’s time to make a change and the change starts with you!

On September 27 2015, we’ll be hosting events all over the world to encourage women to mark their commitment to Active Living by getting out and moving their bodies. We think there should be a day dedicated to Active Living – a day where people are asked to consider putting their health and fitness first – resetting their commitment and inspiring others to do the same.

LJ piece of the month!

Lara Sports Bra

Hey there loyal readers! I hope you had an amazing weekend full of laughs, joy, and sweat. This week was put into perspective in the Tone it Up community and it made me appreciate my friends and family more than ever. On Friday, the Grit fam and some of my #tiusisters, came together for a happy hour. We enjoyed a few drinks at The Rustic and caught up on life. I am so thankful for this community in Dallas, because it is to welcoming. If you come to the studio, be sure to introduce yourself!

Today I’m starting a new blog series dedicated to my favorite Lorna Jane active living gear! I will take you through my collection of LJ pieces for fitness and leisure. I am one of those girls that only purchases work clothes every couple of years. I would rather spend my money on fitness and leisure clothing. As crazy as it sounds, I just need that extra motivation to feel my best while I’m working out. When you have a fun outfit to put on, you are much more likely to push harder in your workout, feel good doing it, and enjoy yourself! Lorna Jane can be found at TJ Maxx, but I shop at my local store in the West Village. I love supporting my local boutiques when I can. Their staff is so friendly, and they have many fun and free events at their Active Living Room. Go check it out.

This month’s piece is the Lara Sports Bra. As soon as this item came out, I had my eye on it-that mesh!!! I can’t get enough of mesh. Dallas is a hot city, I need everything to breath! As a fitness instructor, I am part of the Active Ellite group of women that Lorna Jane gives a nice discount to. To sign up, bring your certification into any store and they will sign you up! (This goes for most athletic apparel stores, just ask =) I love how versatile this crop top is, you can throw a vest over it and wear it out to brunch or a girls day after your workout. The back is killer! Show off those muscles girls. My favorite aspect of LJ clothing is they really flatter women! The fabrics are incredibly durable and soft, and they have removable padding for girls who tend to want a more feminine looking top. I wear this top to our signature Powerbelle class at Dallas Grit Fitness. It lets me move, sweat, and turn every which way for a total body workout. As always, be sure to wash your LJ items separate and hang dry only. They will last much longer. Enjoy!

Lara Sports Bra 2

Eat Clean Train Dirty-FREE HIIT class at Katy Trail

Harvard Entrepreneurs Team up to Offer Dallas’ Hottest Free Health Event of the Summer

Eat Clean Train Dirty Flyer 072315

Happy Monday my lovely readers! I am so excited for this fun event on Thursday. Who doesn’t love a good happy hour workout before hitting the social scene? It can be tough to meet people who have the same interests, so we are giving you a great opportunity to do both! I have recently joined the Dallas Grit Fitness Dream Team and am proud to say we have loved getting to know our Dallas community! There’s always room for fun in fitness….I would say it’s one of the things we do best, but don’t worry, you will work up a sweat this week in just 30 minutes. Read below for a snapshot of what to look forward to on Thursday! Register below….it’s already set to be a packed house and a ton of fun! Please be sure to wear sneakers, bring a towel if you like, and plenty of water.

Megan Lyons and Brittani Rettig are teaming to up to offer an energetic evening of fitness, food and freebies!  Lyons and Rettig both left their consulting careers to start businesses in nutrition and fitness respectively.  These two are thrilled to host a free event on the Katy Trail to promote health, wellness and fun!  The first 35 guests to register and attend will receive Fabletics swag bags to go along with their free high intensity interval training workout, healthy treats and nutrition tips.

GRIT HIIT Class Description:

High intensity interval training (HIIT) class designed to push you to your max! Power through a tabata-style, body weight interval circuit that’s sure to spike your heart rate while building muscular endurance. Enjoy a jamming playlist to energize your workout and leave feeling fit and fierce!  Sneakers required; 30 minutes

Class participants must register online at:


Date: Thursday, July 23

Time: 6:00 – 8:00pm

Location: Katy Trail, Snyder’s Union (entrance on Carlisle Place, between Lemmon Ave. and Hall St.)

Cost: Free & open to the Dallas community

Details: Fabletics giveaways, raffles, nutrition tips, healthy treats and 2 free, 30 minute GRIT HIIT workouts:

Session 1 – 6:30pm

Session 2 – 7:15pm

About The Lyons’ Share Wellness & Megan Lyons

The Lyons’ Share Wellness offers personalized health coaching to help clients lose weight, increase their energy, and feel their best through nutrition and lifestyle.  Our clients have lost up to 100 pounds, solved chronic digestive issues, dramatically reduced blood pressure and cholesterol, and turned picky kids into healthy eaters.  Owner Megan Lyons also writes a biweekly health and nutrition column titled “Trail to Good Health” in the Katy Trail Weekly.

Megan holds a Certificate of Health Coaching/ Holistic Nutrition from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2011, and is currently pursuing her Masters in Holistic Nutrition from Hawthorn University.  She received her MBA from Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University in 2012, and graduated from Harvard University in 2007.  Prior to founding The Lyons’ Share, Megan spent 5 years as a management/ strategy consultant.


About GRIT Fitness & Brittani Rettig

GRIT Fitness brings an innovative approach to boutique fitness by providing a customized set of energetic, music-driven classes.  It’s Dallas’ 1st and only one stop shop for Kickboxing, Dance Cardio, Hip Hop, Body Sculpt, Barre and upbeat Power Vinyasa Flow classes.  Located in the heart of East Dallas, GRIT Fitness opened to the community in January 2015.

Prior to founding GRIT Fitness, Brittani Rettig worked at Deloitte Consulting, LLC.  She earned her undergraduate degree from Cornell University.  She also holds an MBA from Harvard Business School and numerous fitness certifications.  Rettig continues to author her leading fitness/lifestyle blog, Grit by Brit, which receives national recognition from SELF Magazine, POPSUGAR and Greatist.

To learn more visit or

Walk on Water, Daily Challenge and Devotional

“Take Courage! It is I. Don’t be afraid.” 

“Lord if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” 
“Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!”  Immediately Jesus reached out his hand and caught him. “You of little faith,” he said, “why did you doubt?” Matthew 14: 27-31 NIV

If you want to experience life, you’ve got to get out of the boat and take a risk. 

Do Mondays seem to come up really quickly and you thought you remembered saying you were going to take a leap of faith LAST week to change something? Oops! I went away this weekend with my family and we heard an amazing sermon at our Chapel at the lake by a good friend who has taken many wild adventures in life. He has seen so much of the world, and done things I fear myself at an older age! Do you feel like you’re just waiting to jump on the ‘right’ train to go after your goals or dreams? That’s not doing you any good! Well I’m inviting you back to reality. There is no right day start something new. There is hope, and there is faith, but you have to expect a little divine intervention when you’re asked to do something that seems huge to you! Jesus invites you to trust Him. Expect the unexpected takes on a new meaning doesn’t it? The odds always seem to be against us. I’m too old, too fat, too thin, too scared, too weak. With God, anything is possible.

I made a challenge for you to follow along with me for the month of July! Many people are starting a new program this week so I thought I would give you something super basic, where you can literally do wherever you go (especially with all of those vacations).

This month, my challenge to you is to complete the #Daily30 in addition to your regular workout plan. If you don’t have one, this is a GREAT place to start! Try 30-45 minute walks (or runs) each day and add this challenge before or after your cardio. Now you have a plan! See how many sets you can do each day, and check in with me on Instagram. I love to hear from you!

The other part of our challenge is a daily devotional! I know SO many of you already read Jesus Calling every day. It’s super short, realistic, and helps you connect with God when sometimes we might say we are ‘too busy’. We all need a little accountability so I thought, why not check in with each other? Lets do reflect every day with #JulyJesusCalling. Many of my #tiusistersinchrist or #dallasdisciples already have the book or the app! Check it out in the App Store, or on Amazon! Read the reviews to see what its all about =)

Why do we love challenges so much? Because it’s an easy checklist to go by! No guess-work. Its easier to look at a list with a small goal in mind. We call these S.M.A.R.T goals. It’s measurable. No matter how young or old, in shape, out of shape, you are….you are STRONG enough! When it seems impossible to start. Grab hold of God’s hand, He will give you the courage. You just have to take that first step. Have a great week.

xoxo, Ari


Beach Babe Bootcamp
Wow I can’t believe y’all killed March Madness? April is here, and so are warmer temps! I have already been out by my pool in my bikini-who needs a tan?! Yikes this girl! I love getting to know you beautiful mermaids inside and out. It is such a pleasure! How would you like to spend 30 days with me to kick-start your personal health & fitness journey? You’re either heading to the beach for a vacation soon, or just coming back from Spring Break & ready to build that Summer Bod! Well I want to share my own personal secrets with you! This is how I add variety to my routine, stay on track, & NOT worry about crazy diets that restrict you from eating. I never question if what I’m doing is going to yield results, I have been seeing it before my eyes for a YEAR now!

Here’s the deal! I want to teach you my favorite workouts, eating habits, how to beat the binge, & stay motivated every single day to wake up and crush it! I will provide you with 30 minute (daily) workouts, a full meal plan, support, gratitude, positivity, personal development & daily improvements!

So what’s Beach Babe Bootcamp all about?
Well, you’ve said it once, and you will say it again. “I just want to feel strong and confident in my clothes again!” I know that was my main motivation for making a lifestyle change last year. It’s almost my 1 year anniversary of being the ‘new me!’ What exactly is a lifestyle change?I define a healthy/active lifestyle in 3 ways:
1) Workout daily-be active every single day, even if that means a walk or some yoga
2) Nourish your body, fresh whole foods, and throwing out the C.R.A.P
3) Set up for success! Being happy in your own skin once again requires a committment to showing up to your scheduled workouts, and swapping ‘this for that’ by preparing meals ahead of time and choosing healthier options.
I do NOT define it as starving yourself.
My job as a coach is to do one thing. and that’s to be your support system. I’m here to help you  figure out your schedule, provide you with a meal plan, help you put together your grocery list, and to help you find trust TOGETHER with me to achieve YOUR specific goals.
We will set goals, track our progress, stay accountable, inspire each other, stay motivated and encourage one another to get into the best shape of our lives.
 Where is Beach Babe Bootcamp Held?
In your own home! No gym membership required. It’s a totally private Facebook group where no one but the members of the group can see what is going on. I will walk you through how to set realistic and measurable goals for yourself, how to meal plan, prep, how to set yourself up for success!! The program we are focusing on this month is 21 Days long, and focuses on nutrition and fitness, however it’s my goal to find the perfect program for you! Perhaps your coming off an injury? Don’t worry, I’ve got you covered =)
You will log into the group on Facebook or Instagram and check in everyday and check out a post of the day. There will be ample motivation, workout breakdowns, tutorials, videos, recipes and tips.
We will track everyones progress through our online group and you will succeed!
 Trust me, if you can 100% commit to this I will give this my ALL! and  I won’t ever let you give up! I will be right there with you doing my workouts and meals too!
Are you ready go for this? What’s the worst that can happen? You could lose a few pounds, kick some bad habits, win a free tshirt and have more energy! That would warm my heart if you did! Make this investment for you. Do this for your health, for your body, for your energy, for your family….for YOU!
I am accepting challengers throughout the month of March and April to start when YOU’RE ready…..this is your journey and no one else! Even if you are the least bit curious or the least bit interested in getting started on a health & fitness journey … shoot me an e-mail… I promise you won’t regret it!
All you have to do is make the decision that now is the time for you to make a change!!! Let’s do this together!!! Fill out the application below and you’ll be hearing from me shortly! 🙂

Guest post from Brittani Rettig: Making time for fitness, fun and following your dreams!

I am so excited to be featuring Brit on my blog today! She is truly an inspiration and role model to me and I have had the pleasure of taking her classes, following her advice, and living vicariously through her newest venture HER OWN FITNESS STUDIO! I couldn’t be more thrilled to share in her dreams by supporting her new chapter, and have plans of teaching in Dallas next year myself! Stay tuned! If you are looking for advice on how to balance a career, a healthy lifestyle, and building your dream job, Brit has all the answers. Please visit her blog and her IG (@gritbybrit) page for your daily dose of fun! Thanks for sharing Brit! 2015 is gunna be HUGE.

corporate to cardio

Hi Guys!  My name is Brittani, and I’m a fitness instructor/blogger/business woman.  I titled my blog “GRIT by Brit” because I believe that mental grit or “passion and perseverance for long-term goals” is the key to getting everything you want out of life.  As fellow fabulous wonder women, I’m sure you know that sometimes there’s just not enough time in the day to do everything on your ‘To Do” lists.  If you’re like me, I’ve often found it difficult to balance work, working out, relationships, family commitments and a social life. To make matters worse, for the 2 and half years I’ve worked full-time as a traveling management consultant and part-time as a fitness instructor/wellness blogger.  I just recently left my consulting career to open a fitness studio and work in fitness/wellness full-time.  My dream came true!  It took a long time and lot of juggling commitments to get me to this point, so I wanted to share some helpful words of wisdom that allowed me to balance everything on my plate.

While Teaching fitness classes is my absolute passion, I had to maintaining my full-time consulting career in order to pay off my student loans.  When I picked up my part-time fitness instructor job at 24 hour fitness, many people told me it was impossible maintain my “side hustle” AND perform well at my demanding consulting job.  I believe that where there is a will there is a way and when you enjoy what you’re doing, you naturally have more will.  1st Word of Wisdom: Don’t let your full-time job be an excuse for not pursuing your interests and passions.  I actually found that my part-time gig teaching fitness classes gave me more confidence and enhanced my performance in my full time consulting job.

I’m not gonna lie, my schedule was pretty hectic (and still is), but by planning ahead and staying committed to my personal schedule everything works out.  You will be amazed at what you can do when you just do it!

People ask me all the time, “how do you do it all?”  Well the honest answer is, “I don’t.”  I’ve learned that I have to prioritize the things that really matter and push everything else to the wayside.  2nd Word of Wisdom: If everything is important, nothing is important.  This means I had to give up a lot of “kinda important” activities like going to every single happy hour I’m invited to or watching TV during the week (I know  – harsh). I still make time for a social life and down time, but now I’m much better at saying “No” to things I don’t really wanna do or activities that aren’t critical to reaching my goals. One thing I didn’t give up is my workout routine.  Over the years I’ve learned that pushing myself through intense physical fitness enhances all aspects of my life – my corporate career, relationships, spirituality and mental health.   That said,  I’ve found it very helpful to create and follow a weekly workout schedule.  Just like I write down the due dates of my bills, I write down the due date of my leg workouts.  I find that having a clear exercise schedule keeps me committed because I can prioritize my workouts and plan around them.

One word of caution – I’ve found that there’s a fine line between being committed to my workouts and being obsessed with them.  I have to admit; I use to be a little obsessed.   But now I’ve found a healthy balance.  There are 5 habits in particular that helped me find this healthy middle ground.  So to conclude this post, I want leave you with 5 Final Words of Wisdom that have helped me maintain a healthy lifestyle:

  1. Workout in the mornings – You never know what will come about it the evening – dinner plans, late night at work, feeling groggy, etc. I’ve found that a morning workout routine is better for staying committed to my exercise goals.
  2. Make a weekly workout schedule – Each day you plan to workout, write down the date, time and type of workout in your day planner and be sure to show up for it just like you would for a business meeting.
  3. Pack healthy snacks – When I’m traveling a lot for work I always pack 3 apples 3 oranges and 3 low sugar protein bars. Having these snacks handy deters from impulse junk food purchases when I’m starving.  Also, every now and then I’ll swap out dinner for a protein bar.
  4. Go to bed early – Late night snacking is the devil. The good thing is, late night snacking can’t happen if you go to bed early.  Also getting adequate sleep ensures I’m ready for my long days at the office and my workouts!
  5. Travel with a water bottle – Hydration is SO important for clear skin, a fast metabolism, high energy and good overall health. Drinking lots of water also curbs your appetite.  I’ve found that drinking at least 2 liters of water per day is the perfect amount for me.  I highly recommend increasing your water intake.

Alright gang – that’s the end!  I know I’ve said I lot, but I really hope these words of wisdom are as helpful to you as they are to me.  Be encouraged and know that even though it’s challenging to balance all of life’s demands, when you have grit and discipline you can pursue your dreams AND live a healthy lifestyle!

All the best.  Luv, Brit

♡Introducing P90 , the ON Switch to Fitness


Never say ‘I could never…’ all it takes is one step in the right direction to start something BIG. I was never a runner! I hated running in high school and middle school. I dreaded the mile! I dreaded those stupid suicide drill we had to do in basketball. But I did like teamwork. I liked feeling fit. In college, that all changed….my mindset that is. When I had a running partner (or two or three) tell me to train with them. It was the last step I needed to take to try this new thing. COMMITMENT. I couldn’t believe what I could do if I set my mind to it. I ran my first half marathon when I was 20…which was a HUGE accomplishment for me! It took baby steps for me to get into fitness. And now I’m in the best shape of my life, and hope to be an active skiier and tennis player when I’m 80. Watch me.

I am so beyond thrilled about the newest Beachbody Home Fitness Program, P90 !!! Brought to you by the MAN himself, Tony Horton!!!!!

If I’m to be totally honest with you, when first announced, I wasn’t totally ecstatic about the launch of this baby … Being an avid Beachbody product lover, I am always looking for something to push me further … and P90 was created to be “the ON switch to fitness”. I was actually a little disappointed. I seem to be attracted to the programs that leave you dripping in sweat and out of breath (WHY?!) haha I don’t know…but this is a total game changer.
No one says that’s the ONLY way! If you actively follow my posts on Instagram or my blog (Thank you!), you’ll notice that I have been so excited about helping people realize their potential even when they think they could give up.
I can’t forget where I started. Everyone starts SOMEWHERE!
Today, I am calling out everybody who’s ever considered starting or rekindling their relationship with health & fitness… if you watch me or any other “fitspo” Instagram account from afar and have thought to reaching out for support… I can totally understand that sometimes even just the act of asking for a helping hand can seem so incredibly daunting (I know it was for me). I would love to get to know you.
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So here’s my promise to you; if you have ever considered getting that healthy happy YOU back or even if you’re starting from scratch, please take this as a sign. I promise to do everything and anything I can to make sure you accomplish all of the goals that you have for this healthy new life and best possible version of YOU.
P90 is a game changer and I’ve never been this excited about a program … PERIOD. The amount of people this program will help is REAL … and this solution is REAL … and I’m real… and I want to help you. This isn’t about some “quick fix” or “magic pill”. Just real sweat, real food, REAL RESULTS.
Have you ever done or heard of the original P90X??? That stuff is crazy hard!!! Have you ever tried P90X and failed?!?! YOU ARE NOT ALONE! I tried 1 (ONE!) workout …(the shortest one on top of that! lol) and gave up because I just wasn’t at that level yet!!!
Do you want to do P90X but you don’t feel like you are at that fitness level just yet? Maybe a stepping stone to build a base level of fitness is just what you need so that you can tackle something like P90X or Insanity !!
Tony Horton and the fine folks at Beachbody saw the need for a program like this. A program that could really HELP more people! Not just another KILLER workout ! They wanted to create a  foundational program that went back to basics and back to the beginning, to truly help build that strength and skill that is so necessary! P90 was designed for people just like you and me! HUMANS! not machines! lol
We want to be in the best shape of our lives RIGHT?  But the thing is, we really need to start at the beginning! We need to build that core strength, stability and learn to have the correct form so that we don’t injure ourselves and end up back at the start again! It’s about creating a safe and effective starting point for people to introduce fitness into their lives.
So Who exactly would this program be for?
Id say its perfect for:  people that :
– People that need an “ON Switch” to fitness
– People that are trying to start their journey and aren’t sure how to.
– People that are not looking for a hardcore workout.
– People that are looking for a stepping stone to a more intense program like P90x3 or Focus T25
– People that don’t really want a crazy workout but do want to lose weight.
– People that want to get back some muscle definition back.
Maybe you are just someone who wants to be in good health, get regular exercise and feel strong !
Then this could be just the program you’ve been looking for.
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So what is this program all about?
It’s not a high intensity,  pound your joints type of deal. It’s literally simple cardio, simple workouts, nothing sexy …no fluff just 25 minutes a day for 90 days.  All the moves are always able to be modified (and they show you how) so that everyone can do the workouts. Completely transform your body and your lifestyle. This is so much more than just a workout program. P90 comes with a simple nutrition guide that will help you clean up your daily habits and focus on the right foods to properly fuel your body.
So when can I get P90?
Today!!! The program JUST launched ! You can order through a Team Beachbody coach which is exactly what I do! Check out the “shop” section of my blog and website to see all the details and place your order!
So what’s the plan once I get it?!?!
I want to be the first to tell you ! Lets make 100% sure that this doesn’t become another fitness program that you invest in that sits on your shelf and collects dust. I want to make totally sure that when you get this program in the mail, you rip it open (like i did lol) and you make a plan that you can STICK TO and SUCCEED!
My job as a coach is to do one thing. and that’s to be your support system. I’m here to help you  figure out your schedule, layout the meal plan, help you put together your grocery list, and to hopefully start TOGETHER as a team on October 21st!!
We will set goals, track our progress, stay accountable, inspire each other, stay motivated and encourage one another to get into the best shape of our lives.
So I am hosting an EXCLUSIVE P90 TEST GROUP where you can get support from a on one and you can also surround ourself with other like minded people if you’d like.
And hey! you can even enter to win $500 or more for your transformation! Pretty cool right?
So what is this P90 Test Group you speak of?
It’s a totally private Facebook group where no one but the members of the group can see what is going on. I will walk you through how to set realistic and measurable goals for yourself, how to meal plan, prep, how to set yourself up for success!!
You will log into the group and check in everyday and check out a post of the day. There will be ample motivation, workout breakdowns, tutorials, videos, recipes and tips.
We will track everyones progress through our online group and you will succeed!
 Trust me, if you can 100% commit to this I will give this my ALL! and  I won’t ever let you give up!
Are you ready go for this? What’s the worst that can happen? You could lose a few pounds, kick some bad habits, win a free tshirt and have more energy! Pretty sweet deal!!!!
What you need for the Test Group
All you need to do is purchase the P90 Challenge pack through me as your coach. I can send you all of the details to get the package once you complete the application below. I must be your coach and only my customers and coaches are allowed to participate in this group. The actual group and my coaching is 100% included in the price of the challenge pack.
Make this investment for you. Do this for your health, for your body, for your energy, for your family….for YOU!
I’m only accepting 10 people into this exclusive group. So please complete the application below to be considered for a spot and gain more information!Even if you are the least bit curious or the least bit interested in getting started on a health & fitness journey … leave me your e-mail… I promise you won’t regret it!
All you have to do is make the decision that now is the time for you to make a change!!! Let’s do this together!!! Fill out the application below and you’ll be hearing from me shortly! 🙂



What’s New? Hottest Summer Launch: Piyo by Chalene Johnson

PIYO Ariana post

PiYo Workout is a high-intensity, low-impact workout for a new kind of STRONG.

Chalene Johnson took the very best of Pilates and yoga-inspired moves and cranked up the speed to give you full throttle cardio, strength, and flexibility training—all at once. PiYo packs it ALL into each workout so you can build lean muscle mass—as you’re burning crazy calories.
Now you can carve every inch of your body.
How? You’ll simply use your body weight to perform a series of fun, continuous, targeted moves, to burn fat as you redefine every single muscle. No weights. No jumps. Just hardcore results.
The result?  Problem areas become no problem. You’ll get sleek, long arms, sexy, flat abs, a tight, lifted butt, and the confidence that comes from knowing you’re at your best!
This is your chance to define exactly how you want to look—and how you want to feel. You’re in control.
You have the power to define yourself. Now use it.

What is Included in PiYo Workout?

Order the Deluxe Package or the Order the Challenge Pack

  • Align (46 mins): The Fundamentals (46 mins)
  • Upper Body (35 mins): this focused workout will strengthen and stretch your entire body, while building on the movement patterns you have learned in Align.
  • Define: Lower Body (25 mins) will shape and tone everything from your glutes, hamstrings, quads and calves gently, yet effectively to help you get sleek and lean legs.
  • Sweat (35 mins) is a traditional PiYo Workout that is fast paced with body weight strength training and ab work!
  • Core (30 mins) an ab-centric workout that targets every angle of the abdominals and back. I’ve read this will be a calorie-torcher too!
  • Drench (45 mins) is a total body workout to get you sweaty, burning calories, and going to have your metabolism on fire!
  • Strength Intervals (25 mins) designed to tone the whole body and burn tons of calories with no weights required!
  • Sculpt (30 mins) no weights are required for this intense, full-body workout either!
  • You’ll receive 9 workouts total plus get them 2 weeks earlier through a coach –  Order the Deluxe or the Order the Challenge Pack
  • Thinking of coaching? You’ll get 25% off! Click here to view our Beachbody Coach Guide


Challenge Pack (Bundled with Shakeology – On sale This Month ! )

PiYo Deluxe

PiYo Base Kit

PiYo Strength Deluxe Upgrade DVD Package

PiYo Strength Workouts


Sign up to Coach & Get the PiYo Challenge Pack​

My PiYo experience

I have taken live PiYO classes, and done pilates and yoga for the past 10 years. Nothing compares. While I have experienced the live workout in a class setting,  the PiYo Workout DVDs are similar and include many of the signature moves.

PiYo has actually been gyms across the Unites States and Canada for years, and now I’m so excited that it will be on DVDs now too for the non-gym goers like me!

That’s why I have been sharing my experience with PiYo so much. Order the Deluxe or the Order the Challenge Pack. If you are more advanced, I highly recommend the slides-the full body strength workouts are simply amazing!